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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The objective of this research is to find out the effect of art infusion on the consumer's evaluation of the product with focus on art and design marketing which is receiving much attention both from the academic field and the industry. The product types were divided into utilitarian products(laptop air/conditioner) and hedonic products(fashion clothing/fashion bags), so the effects of art infusion on the esthetic evaluation and symbolic evaluation of the product design and the will to pay the price premium were examined, and how the effect of art infusion on each product type appears different according to the art familiarity (artist/art image) was investigated. As the result, art infusion drew a more favorable response from esthetic evaluation rather than symbolic evaluation, and the effects of art infusion appeared different according to product types. That is to say that the consumers showed a more positive design evaluation and they demonstrated a greater will to pay the higher price premium for utilitarian products rather than hedonic products. Also, as for the influence of art familiarity on the effects of art infusion by product type, the consumers with higher art familiarity made a more positive design evaluation, and it was found that there was a interactive effect depending on art familiarity and product type. When the art familiarity was low, the art infusion was found to increase the esthetic, symbolic evaluation and the will to pay the price premium more so in utilitarian products compared to hedonic products; however when the familiarity was high, the evaluations for the hedonic products were found to be more favorable.
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