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ISSN : 1229-8778
The effect of social messages in PSA or CRA (cause-related ad) has been investigated and confirmed in previous studies. However, it has rarely been explored whether the social message is really effective for general product advertising. A great deal of major companies substantially perform CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities, but they do not utilize these valuable activies for the marketing communication strategy for their products. In this vein, it is critical if the social message is effective for product advertising. The current study focuses on this issue, and compares the effectiveness of social message with that of individual messages. Moderating variables including social tendency and collectivistic personality are also investigated. The result partially confirms that social messages are more effective for product advertising, and social tendency and collectivism moderate this causal relationship. Therefore, consumers with higher social tendency and collectivistic personality showed preferable responses toward the ad with social messages. Practitioners should consider the impacts of social messages and need to develop the application methods. Additionally, it is discussed how some insignificant results were occurred, and how further studies should compliment the current result.
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