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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Recent phenomenon appeared to prefer luxury goods in Korea. This study was that the Koreans' psychological traits associated with this phenomenon prefer luxury goods assume. Were selected based on inferred to be related to the Koreans for luxury goods consumer attitudes and psychological traits of the existing study. Psycho-social characteristics of Koreans Social face(Chemyon), Boasting(Uzzul), and Tact(Nunchi) traits and consumption a ritualized research relevance was carried out. The results of this study are as follows. First, it was the Social face(Chemyon) for luxury goods properties that negatively significant affect consumer attitudes. On the other hand, Boasting(Uzzul) characteristics showed a positive significant impact. Was Tact(Nunchi) means that do not affect the characteristics. Second, it means that the ritualized consumption does not affect the Social face(Chemyon) traits were On the other hand, Tact(Nunchi) and Boasting(Uzzul) traits showed a positive significant impact. Third, showed significant positive impact on consumer attitudes for luxury goods consumption ritualized behavior. Finally, the parameters of ritualized consumption effects were identified. The Social face(Chemyon) and Boasting(Uzzul) characteristics showed a partial mediation effect was fully mediated the effect noticed Tact(Nunchi) characteristics. The results of this study on Koreans' psychological characteristics of luxury goods that research purchasing behavior, and academic significance, but also later psychological characteristics of the study provide a measure of the significance has both. This study were based on the scientific significance. Essentially consisting of Koreans in Korea brand advertising and marketing activities through the understanding of Korean consumers on the unique psychological properties should be done, and it has practical significance, marketing execution strategy should be established.
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