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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study compare the difference of consumers' preference and attitude between the price-off sales promotion(price discount) and value-added sales promotion(bonus packs), and investigate that whether consumers perceives the bonus pack as a increased gain or not, and in price discount promotion method whether people intend to consider it not only as a reduced loss but also as a increased budget(gain). Also in this study explore that consumers' perception of incentive can changed depending on their chronic regulatory focus along with their subjective value and purchase attitude. The results showed that consumers prefers to choose the price discount than bonus packs. It is because consumers sees the incentive of price discount much bigger, so they perceives the price-off sales promotion as a increased gain. More specifically, in price-discount there is no difference between people's perception but in bonus packs people intend to see as a increased gain. In contrast with this study's assumption that whether consumer's perception can be changed depending on their chronic regulatory focus is not supported. On the other hand, consumers' subjective value and purchase attitude are affected by chronic regulatory focus.
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