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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the exposure frequency of PPL and prior brand attitude on brand recognition and brand attitude. In addition, we considered that the exposure frequency of PPL and prior brand attitude will have interaction effect on brand recognition and brand attitude. To achieve this goal, the experiment were designed by 3 exposure frequency of PPL (1/4/8) * 3 prior brand attitude (positive/ neutral/ negative) between subject factor. The total of 191 undergraduate students were recruited and asked to watch a drama and then to answer questions about the brand recognition and brand attitude. The results of this study were as follows. First, as the exposure frequency of PPL increases, viewers can better process the brand's appearance, thereby increasing brand recognition and positive brand attitude. Second, prior brand attitude has no effect on brand recognition. However, prior brand attitude has significant effect on brand attitude. Thus, positive prior brand attitude and neutral prior brand attitude produced more positive attitude towards placed brand. Conversely, negative prior brand attitude produced more negative attitude towards placed brand. Third, there was no interaction effects between exposure frequency of PPL and prior brand attitude on brand recognition. On the other side, there was significant interaction effects between exposure frequency of PPL and prior brand attitude on brand attitude. In particular, as the exposure frequency of PPL increases, viewers who have positive or neutral prior brand attitude produced more positive attitude towards placed brand. Conversely, viewers who have negative prior brand attitude produced more negative attitude towards placed brand.
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