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The Consumer Responses of Direct Comparative and Indirect Comparative Advertising Based on the Brand's Market Position


The purpose of this study is to examine the consumer responses of the brand's market position and the types of comparative advertising. Specifically, This study examined if there is difference in consumer responses of the types of comparative advertising (direct comparative advertising vs. indirect comparative advertising) by brand's market position(market challenging brand vs. market following brand). The result revealed that the main effects of brand's market position and comparative advertising types were not significant in both brand attitude and purchase intention. But, importantly, there was an interaction effect between brand's market position and the types of comparative advertising on both brand attitudes and purchase intention. Specifically, market challenging brand showed significant higher brand attitude and purchase intention in indirect comparative ads than direct comparative ads. On the other hand, Market following brand showed significant higher brand attitude and purchase intention in direct comparative ads than indirect comparative ads. Based on the results, practical implications are discussed, followed by limitations of the study.

direct comparative advertising, indirect comparative advertising, market challenging brand, market following brand, brand attitude, purchase intention



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