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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
As changing consumption pattern, the development of IT industries and marketing strategies of insurance companies, there is a tendency for selling insurance to shift from face-to-face channel to non-face-to-face channel. So the purpose of this paper is to study the benefits and satisfaction of non-face-to-face channels-based on consumers' view in the insurance industry. However, People prefer face-to-face channel to non-face-to-face channel as insurance, compared with characteristics of other goods, has distinct characteristics of stability and sustainability to secure their future. But as the information age has come, consumers for themselves can be a policyholder without the help of insurance planners. According to the result of the empirical research, due to the propensity to consume and the attribute of domestic insurance market, it is in urgent of protecting consumers who use non-face-to-face channel as well as personal information by the law. Therefore, the sale system linked offline sale system should be developed to improve non-face-to-face consumer satisfaction and benefit.
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