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The Effects of Service Expectation and Face Consciousness on Retaliation Behavior


In the context of service failure situation, the same service problem could be perceived differently depending upon a consumer’s situational variable, thus may result in different retaliation behavior. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the effects of service expectation (high/low) and face consciousness (high/low) on a consumer’s retaliation behavior (negative word-of-mouth, complaining behavior, complaining for publicity). Furthermore, this paper also try to investigate a moderating role of face consciousness in a relationship between service expectation and retaliation behavior. A scenario technique was employed to empirically test the research hypotheses and two factors (service expectation and face consciousness) were manipulated as high and low version. The empirical results are as follows. First, both the service expectation and face consciousness had a significant impact on retaliation behavior (negative word-of-mouth, complaining behavior, complaining for publicity). In addition, a moderating effect of face consciousness on complaining behavior was also found to be significant. In conclusion, the suggestions and future study directions were proposed based on the above study results.

service expectations, face consciousness, retaliation behavior, negative word-of-mouth, complaining for publicity, complaining behavior



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