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Exploring the effect of embodied aging and time horizon perspective on persuasion: Focusing on goal pursuit and message type


According to socioemotional selectivity theory (Carstensen, 1992), older adults perceive that time is limited so that they are persuaded more by emotional (vs. factual) message, whereas younger adults show the opposite pattern because they feel that time is expansive. This research explores whether the embodied aging and time horizon perspective (THP; limited vs. expansive) influence on persuasion depends on goal pursuit and type of message (emotional vs. factual). Experiment 1 focuses on the effect of embodied aging on persuasion. Different from embodied aging literature demonstrates that young people primed with an elderly state actually act more like the elderly, priming embodied aging does not generate THP of the elderly. In detail, participants primed with embodied aging show more favorable attitudes toward factual (vs. emotional) message as well as control condition. In the Experiment 2 where different THP is primed, participants who have limited THP evaluate factual (vs. emotional) message more favorably in the goal pursuit condition, whereas they are persuaded more by emotional (vs. factual) message in the control condition. In contrast, participants who are primed with expansive THP have more favorable attitudes toward factual (vs. emotional) message in the both goal pursuit and control condition. Based on the results, we discuss theoretical and managerial implications and propose ideas and directions for further research.

Socioemotional selectivity theory, Embodied aging, Time horizon perspective, Goal pursuit, Emotional message, Factual message, Persuasion



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