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ISSN : 1229-8778
The shelf-life related information and knowledge play an important role in expiring stage as well as purchasing stage. Foods are eatable after sell-by-date in Korea. It depends on consumer's knowledge of shelf-life related information and motivation whether consumer will use the foods after sell-by-date or not. This study examined the influence of shelf-life related knowledge and regulatory focus on the intention of consumption about food at three periods(first day, third day, fifth day) after sell-by-date. And then, we explored the main effect of consumer's shelf-life related knowledge level at three periods after sell-by-date. The main effect of regulatory focus was not significant at three periods. Also, The interaction effect of self-life related knowledge level and regulatory focus was significant at two periods. But simple main effect was significantly higher in the condition of promotion focus group than the condition of prevention focus group with the high level of self-life related knowledge level at one period. Finally, we discussed suggestions toward institutional system to improving consumer's sell-by-date related knowledge.
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