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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Previous studies on cigarette graphic warnings found that fear mediates the effect of warnings for nonsmoking. However, very few things are known about the relations between fear and other individual or situational factors. This study tried investigate the role of fear, perceived threat, and perceived efficacy, which are the main factors of extended parallel process model (EPPM), on the effect of cigarette graphic warning. 312 smokers in their 20s to 30s (female 159, male 153) were randomly exposed to one of three cigarette package images(text warning vs. low graphic warning vs. high graphic warning) and reported their perceived threat, perceived efficacy, fear and desire to quit smoking. The results showed the significant moderated mediation. Fear mediated the relation between the graphicness of warnings and the desire to quit. Moreover, perceived threat moderated the relation between the grarphicness of warning and fear and perceived efficacy moderated the relation between fear and desire to quit smoking. This results contributed to better understanding of the psychological mechanism of the effect of cigarette graphic warning and identification of the role of fear, which previous EPPM research did not address.
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