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Devote to the Welfare of Human Beings: Types, Motives, and Emotions of Ethical Consumption as Revealed by Social Big Data


The range and variability of ethical considerations among consumers have grown and become more established following an increase in the numbers of socially responsible and environmentally conscious consumers. Consumers now hesitate to buy fashion items made in sweatshops in order to express their concerns about labor force exploitation; they boycott products tested on animals to protest animal cruelty, and they buy fair-trade and biodegradable textile products to support environmental sustainability and human rights. This study examines the postmodern variation and motivation of ethical consumption and the emotions experienced by consumers following ethical consumption in Korea. For this purpose, analysis is performed on mined social media text. Recently, the amount of SNS data has increased explosively, transcending a level that can be analyzed with existing tools. Such explosively escalating data are called as big data, and the growth of SNS has been a big factor behind the formation of big data. Now that every consumer online is potentially a commentator, reviewer, and publisher, all firms and brands must stop talking and start listening to how they are perceived. Therefore, this study uses Social MetricsTM, a social big data analysis solution produced by Daumsoft, Inc., to detect changes in the occurrence of allusions related to ethical consumption found on SNS over the past six years. This study aims to identify changes in consumer motives and in emotion related to ethical consumption based on changes in “ethical consumption” search words and trends in positive and negative public opinion found in SNS social big data. Results of this study could provide resources that are of fundamental importance to ethical businesses in their market entry and to corporate sustainable strategy implementation.

Ethical Consumption, Motives, Emotion, Social Big Data, Time Series Analysis



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