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The influence of self-construal, thinking style, and temporal distance on price-quality judgment


This study aimed at examining what effect consumers' individual difference variables including self-construal, a thinking style, and a situational variable of temporal distance have on their price-quality judgment. In the Experiment 1, an experimental design was 2(price) X 2(self-construal) X 2(thinking style) completely randomized factorial design and a dependent variable was price-quality judgment. As the result, it reveals that there were more price-quality judgments when holistic thinking was primed than the analytic, showing that interdependent persons made more price-quality judgments than independent persons. In the Experiment 2, an experimental design was 2(price) X 2(self-construal) X 2(temporal distance) completely randomized factorial design and a dependent variable was price-quality judgment. The findings identical to the Experiment 1 show that interdependent persons did more price-quality judgments than independent persons. Besides, price-quality judgment happened much more in the distant temporal distance than in the near temporal distance. Also it reveals that temporal distance moderated the relation between self-construal and price-quality judgment. That is, in the near temporal distance, interdependent persons did more price-quality judgments than independent persons while both independent and interdependent persons showed price-quality judgments in the distant temporal distance.

self-construal, thinking style, temporal distance, price-quality judgment



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