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The Relationship between The Other Customers' Customer Citizenship Behavior and Customer Loyalty-Focusing on the Serial Multiple Mediation Effect of Positive affect and Customer Attitude


This study focuses on other customers' customer citizenship behavior(OCCB) as a predictor of customer loyalty of service organization. Customer citizenship behavior is defined as “helpful, constructive gestures exhibited by customers that are valued or appreciated by the firm, but not related directly to enforceable or explicit requirement of the individual's role”(Gruen, 1995, Yi et al. 2013). OCCB refers to customer citizenship behavior shaped by other customers in the same service. This study examined 1) the relation between OCCB and customer loyalty, and 2) serial mediating roles of positive affect and customer attitude. Especially, the study predicted that OCCB will elicit positive affect of customers, positive affect elicited by OCCB will enhance customer attitude toward service organization, and customer attitude, in turn, positively impact on customer loyalty. Additionally, this study investigated the difference of OCCB impact between OCCB types(toward customers using the service/toward the service organization). Two empirical research were conducted: one survey and one experiment. The results showed that OCCB has positive influence on customer loyalty. And it was revealed that positive affect and customer attitude are gradually mediating the relation between OCCB and customer loyalty. Lastly, the impact of OCCB on customer loyalty is revealed only for OCCB toward other customers using the service, not for OCCB toward the service organization.

customer loyalty, other customers' customer citizenship behavior, customer citizenship behavior, positive affect, customer attitude



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