ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of branded contents that have been attracting attention recently mainly on digital media and to examine how such characteristics affect users' attitudes and brand awareness. To this aim, first of all, a preliminary survey was conducted by a depth interview to construct a scale for the variables of the branded content characteristics. As a result of this study through such process, it was found that firstly, the characteristics of branded contents consisted of 5 subfactors: creativity, entertaining, indirectness, informativeness, and empathy. Secondly, among these, four subfactors - entertaining, empathy, creativity and indirectness - were found to have positive(+) effects on users' attitudes. Finally, it was found that only the informativeness factor had a positive(+) effect on the brand awareness. It is expected that this study allows to understand the behavior changes of users depending on the advertising paradigm by identifying the factor structure of the characteristics of branded contents only unlike traditional ads, and to provide basic data on the branded contents and contribute to the expansion of related research.
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