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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
In recent years, smart electronic devices are widely released based on the technology of virtual personal assistant (VPA), a technological derivation of the artificial intelligence (AI). Even though the expansion of VPA market is more highly expected over the fourth industrial revolution, the majority of research articles are focused on the artificial intelligence by the technical approach. Given that a few previous literatures attempted to illustrate individual factors and perceived values resulting in acceptance of smart devices, it is necessary for more specified approaches from the user perspectives. The present research aims to examine the effects of demographics(gender and age), individual characteristics(self-efficacy and loneliness), perceived value of VPA(informativeness, entertaining, and trustworthiness) on the satisfaction of usage(functional and emotional aspects). The results indicate that 1) the gender of VPA users positively influences on emotional satisfaction, 2) self-efficacy positively predicts functional satisfaction while loneliness positively predicts emotional satisfaction, and 3) the three components of perceived value positively affect both functional and emotional satisfaction. It is anticipated that the satisfaction relates to individual characteristics of VPA users as well as perceived value would contribute to theoretical and practical implications in the promising artificial intelligence market.
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