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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study is performed to examine the effects of social distance and two different types of advertising messages on ad notice and attitudes in cooperative advertising. Possible hypotheses were social distance will interact with two different types of advertising messages in ad notice and attitudes. This study divided participants into 4 experimental groups with social distance(close vs. far) and two different types of advertising messages(concrete vs. abstract message). A total of 4 experimental ads were used in this experiments, one for each experimental group. A total of 158 participants were allocated to a 4 experimental groups, participated in the experiment. Two-way ANOVA showed that there was significant interacting effects in ad notice and attitudes between social distance and two different types of advertising messages. That is, the concrete message is considered more effective in building ad notice and attitudes to the experimental group with close social distance to brands in cooperative advertising, while the abstract message is more effective in building ad notice and attitudes to the group with far social distance to brands in cooperative advertising. Based on the results, theoretical and practical implications as well as limitations and further research directions were presented and discussed.
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