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A Study on the Effects of Enterprise Activity Framing on onsumers’ Corporate Assessment: he Mediating Effect of Corporate Sincerity and the Moderating Effect of Construal Level


This study was conducted to identify the impact of companies on consumers' corporate evaluation according to their framing and reference point in conducting marketing through social responsibility activities. Research 1 and 2 were carried out on the subjects collected online. Research 1 demonstrated the significance of the mediated model by the indirect effects of recognizing the company's sincerity that affect the assessment of the company. Research 1 confirmed that the company's activities under this transaction were valued more than in the case of the donation situation and that the company's sincerity had the fully-mediated effect on the assessment of the company. Research 2 was subsequently conducted to expand the model identified in study 1, identifying the differences in assessment depending on the scenario conditions and consumers' construal level. Research 2 sought to verify the difference in framing effects of the type of product provided based on the scenario in Study 1-branded logo product vs. charity event logo product- and the effect of these three-way interactions depends on the interpretation level of consumers. The study found that the interaction between framing and product types was significant and that there was no difference at the abstract construal. Through this series of studies, the study found that the basis and context of the corporate social responsibilities are important and that consumer's construal levels should also be taken into account, indicating that the study was meaningful in identifying consumer psychological processes and conditioning effects. The implications and limitations of this study were further discussed.

Corporate Social Responsibility, Sincerity, Construal Level Theory, Framing



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