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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Personalized products are products that allow consumers to choose product options. In previous studies related to personalized products, personalized products proved to be an effective strategy, and consumers preferred personalized products over standardized products. However, in this study, we sought to determine whether consumer preference for personalized products was determined based on their situation or personal psychological characteristics. Specifically, this study suggests that a lack of control experienced by the consumer affects the consumer’s preference of personalized products, and that this effect can be mitigated by individual psychological characteristics such as ego-resiliency. The results of our experiment showed that consumers who experienced control-deprivation exhibited a stronger preference for personalized products than those who did not, and that this pattern was especially pronounced for consumers with low ego-resiliency. These findings contribute to the understanding of the effectiveness of personalized products as a marketing strategy and provide practical implications for companies implementing such strategies.
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