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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of the current study was to examine the relationship between tribalism and consumer’s loyalty through SPA brands. Also, it considers mediation effects of perceived store atmosphere and perceived brand trust on the connection of tribalism and loyalty. There are few empirical evidences about the theoretical model that predicts antecedents and outcomes of the bottom-up brand tribes. Data were collected from 331 students who enrolled introductory courses of a large Korean University. Structural equation modeling and the multiple mediation analysis using regression were used to analyze the research model. Results showed that brand tribalism was directly related to the intentions of repurchase and word-of-mouth, but not the intention to brand switching. Also, the results indicated that the perceived store atmosphere was only associated with word-of-mouth, whereas the perceived brand trust was associated with three loyalty measures of intentions of repurchased, word-of-mouth, and brand switching. In addition, the relationship between brand tribalism and intention to word-of-mouth was multiply mediated by the perceived store atmosphere and the perceived brand trust. On the other hand, the relationship between tribalism and intention to repurchase and the relationship between tribalism and intention to brand switching were only mediated by the perceived brand trust. The findings of this study suggest that brand management should consider tribe marketing, indicating that provides social connection and hedonic value to non-luxurious brand tribes who belong to younger consumer segmentation.
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