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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Society is becoming individualized, but we consistently try to maintain and build a relationship. therefore, there is a lot of research going on about the reactions and effects of social exclusion, but the study of observed exclusion is relatively lacking compared to the study of direct experiences exclusion. Accordingly, this study was intended to compare the effects of direct social exclusion and observed social exclusion on our psychological need threats and moods as well as to identify the effects of exclusion on conformity consumption by product type. According to the results of 33 analyzed college students, participants felt a threat of needs and a negative mood when they experienced or observed social exclusion in subjects. contrary to predictions, however, participants in conditions of observing other people's inclusion also felt a threat of fundamental needs, In particular, they felt threatened belonging and control. nevertheless, the negative effects of these other people's observations of inclusion do not appear to be felt in the mood. There were also unique results in the trend of conformity consumption. although the effects of social exclusion have not been significant, when observing inclusion or exclusion, participants have negatively assessed the conformity consumption of private products. Through these results, we can feel the pain of exclusion experienced by others as our own, and furthermore, the inclusion experienced by others can be a threat to ourselves. In addition, it is expected that practical implications can be obtained through consumption trends that are different from direct exclusion.
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