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The Effect of Hashtag Usage Motivation on Instagram Behavior: Focusing on Moderating Effects of Social Comparison


This study aimed at researching Instagram that best reveals the characteristics of image-based SNS. Instagram users wanted to explore the motivation of using hashtags that make up stories using sentences, words, and emoticons with hashes (#) at the bottom of the image. In addition, the effects of hashtag motivation on Instagram behavior and the moderating effect of social comparison tendency were verified. The results are as follows. First, the motivation for using hashtags on Instagram was identified as motivation for play culture, motivation for participation, content recording and information sharing. Second, as a result of analyzing the effects of each hashtag's motivation on use behavior, participation induction, content recording, and information sharing motivation have a significant effect on photo editing behavior. In addition, play culture, participation induction and content recording motives were found to have a significant effect on the posting of hashtags. Third, the moderating effect of social comparison was only significant for some variables. The results of this study are expected to be able to build a theoretical framework for hashtags in that they seek to motivate the use of hashtags, which are the main functions of Instagram.

Instagram, hashtags, motivation, behavior, social comparison



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