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Effect of economic mobility perception on extraordinary consumption behavior: Focused on reactance motive


Modern society is characterized by its limited economic mobility and polarization. Recently, in the consumer behavior, there are various trends for extraordinary consumption such as ugly fashion, dirty shoes, extraordinary collaborations, B-class commercials, mud event, tattoo, punk-look, and hipsterism. This study examines how the perception of economic mobility affects extraordinary consumption behavior. To understand the mechanism, the author focused on the mediating role of reactance motive. In study 1, we showed the full mediation of reactance motive in the effect of the perception of economic mobility on extraordinary consumption behavior(punk-look). As expected, subjects with low perception of economic mobility expressed the higher reactance motive, thereby raising the attitude toward extraordinary consumption behavior. With the attitude measure as study 1 we also demonstrated the same results for different stimulus-transparent beverage in study 2. When we used the choice set(infrequency vs. frequency in athletic shoes purchase scenario) as an alternative measure of dependent variable, we found some different consequences. There is only the direct effect of perceived economic mobility on extraordinary consumption behavior without any indirect effect such as the mediation of reactance motive. Implication of this study is to examine the influence of subjective factors such as the perception of economic mobility on ‘extraordinary consumption behavior’ that is recent new consumption trend.

economic mobility perception, extraordinary consumption behavior, reactance motive



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