open access
ISSN : 1229-8778
This study was conducted to examine whether the degree of consumer's reference to online reviews varies depending on the type of product, similarity to the reviewer, and the psychological power of the consumer, and whether this relationship is mediated by the diagnosticity of the review. More specifically, in Study 1, it was examined whether the effect of product type on consumer reference to online review was moderated by the similarity between the consumer and the reviewer. More specifically, in Study 1, it was examined whether the effect of product type on consumer reference to online review was moderated by the similarity between the consumer and the reviewer. Results of Study 1 showed that consumers in high similarity condition referred to online review more than those in low similarity condition, which was found for experiential goods but not for material goods. Focused on experiential goods, findings of Study 2 indicated that the effect of perceived similarity on reference to online review was only found for consumers with low psychological power (moderating effect) and this effect was mediated by the diagnosticity of the review. Finally, based on the results of this study, limitations and future research directions, and implications of the study are discussed.