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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Purpose of this study was to investigate the effecs of body-image perceptions on intentions of body-related consumptions in female. We hypothesized that ‘differences of the perceptions between one's own body image and ideal body-image’ will affect ‘intentios of body-related consumption’ through the effect on ‘body-esteem’. And ‘involvement to one's own body shape’ and ‘sense of control’ will have a function as moderators in the processes. Subjects were 354 female students who are attend 4 universities located in Seoul, Gyunggi, and Jeonlabul-Do areas. ‘Differences of the perceptions between one's own body image and ideal body-image’ revealed significant effect on ‘body-esteem’ and the ‘body-esteem’ had significant effect on the ‘intentios of body-related consumption’ and ‘experience to body-related consumptions’. But, the ‘involvement to one's own body shape’ didn't have interaction function with the ‘perceptions between one's own body image and ideal body-image’. The ‘sense of control’ interacted with the ‘body-esteem’ for the ‘intentions to do plastic surgery’, but not for the intentions to ‘take healty food’ and to ‘take body exercise’. The implications of these results were discussed and topics for future research were suggested.
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