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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Recently the medical advertising was permitted through mass media. This study was intended to verify the effects of the medical advertisement. The purpose of this study was to examine the message sources, model recognition and appeal type on the advertising effectiveness in medical advertisement. That is, the effects on the difference in medical advertisement according to a message source type and the recognition of the advertisement model and message appeal type has an influence on the medical advertisement. For this study, eight medical advertisements were manufactured. The subjects who participated in this experiment were 400 university students. The subjects were randomly assigned to eight treatment conditions associated with equivalent sex group. The advertising effectiveness measured attention, recognition, attitude and behavior of subjects. The results show that the significantly difference did not exist the advertisement effects according to a message sources. Second, The significantly difference appeared in the recognition reaction according to an advertisement model types and attitude of advertising and purchasing intention did not exist. Third, Rational appeal is more efficient than a emotional appeal in medical advertisement. We try to propose efficient medical advertisement manufacture strategy and the direction with efficient medical advertisement planning programming.
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