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Pictures and verbal are represent tools used in the one advertisement to convey the same advertising concept. It is important practically or theoretically that how to represent pictorial and verbal elements in the one print ads is effective. Nevertheless advertising researchers have not considered and manipulated both pictures and verbal copy simultaneously in the one advertisement. The current study has attempted to examine systematically how to represent pictorial and verbal elements in the one print ads influences consumer's cognitive responses(attention- getting, recall of pictorial elements and verbal copy, comprehension to ads). That is to say, The current study has attempted to examine whether consumer process pictorial elements and verbal copy in print ads complementarily or independently. For attaining the purpose of present study, pictorial representation-style was presented to subjects two levels(high vs. low) of the verbal interpretability of the picture(i. e. the value of verbal interpretation of picture), verbal representation- style was manipulated to two levels(high vs. low) of the possibility of imagery- provoking. The results showed the main effect of pictorial representation-style on attention-getting, recall of pictorial elements, comprehension to ads and the main effect of verbal representation-style on recall of verbal copy. Finally on the comprehension to ads, the interaction effect between pictorial representation-style and verbal representation-style were significant. Implications of these finding were discussed.
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