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A study on Model' race effects in advertising which follows in message arguments and cultural value of endoser


This research is designed to prove the effects of model's race in the advertisement, based on fact that featured either a Yellow(Korean), White and Black model and contained either strong or weak message arguments. Based on extant research, we expect that Korean consumers' evaluative response will be more favorable when a same versus different race(i.e., White versus Black)model is featured in an advertisement. To prove this research, the experiments was tested on 6 groups used by3×2 factorial design. Subjects of the experiment were 240 people of university students from a Chenan city. The experiments tested the effect of model's race that is, the attitude of product and advertisement. As the result, product and advertising evaluations were more favorable given a Korean(Yellow) than a White and Black Model, but only for Korean participants who identify strongly with Korean culture. Or in case of the quality of asserting massage, strong assertions achieved more favorable results than weak assertions with all dependant variables. And ethnocentrism and value of Korean culture affected consumer response toward the ad and product. The findings suggest that Koreans appear to engage in biased processing(and not simple cue processing) when exposed to Korean models in advertising messages.

model's race effect, message argument, cultural value, ethnocentrism



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