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Effects of implicit memory in advertising between visual attention and non-conscious processing


This study examined the effect of non-conscious advertising processing with attention related to current situation which faces with increasing advertising clutter and consumers' ignorance to ads. We measured the attention with the eye-tracker apparatus and adapted ART (attentional resource tracking) method, which was developed by Shapiro et al. (1997), which can divert consumers’ attention from ads, as well as manipulated presentation speed and position of ads. Four ads were produced for this study and each ad contains product feature, brand name, and category name. The dependent variables of this study are various memory types such as conceptual priming (stem completion test), perceptual priming (word fragment) and explicit memory (recognition). The results reveal that due to non-conscious stimulus processing, there is no difference in recognition on non-attentional ads; however conceptual priming, implicit memory, had different effect related to presentation speed. Related to presentation position, because of stimulus feature, there is difference in only perceptual priming. Through acquisition of validity in using ART method by tracking visual attention, the result implies that implicit memory was constructed although ad processes non- consciously.

implicit memory, nonconscious processing, advertising effect, eye tracker



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