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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
In this study, we demonstrated relative effects of scarcity messages in advertising. In other words, we thoroughly examined a scarcity message function (to be advertising effect increased) because it emphasize on scarcity as a value. Especially, we verified the change of the effects according to massage framing types(positive or negative). To achieve the purpose of this study, experiments were designed by 2(scarcity message existence or nonexistence) × 2(positive or negative framing) between-subjects factor, and participants were 100 female undergraduates, who were randomly assigned to one of four experimental condition groups. Thus, we separately measured purchasing intention of participants in each condition, which had been exposed to four different types of skin care cream advertising messages. In result, it revealed that purchasing intention was higher in condition, which was emphasized scarcity ad message than in condition, which was not emphasized. Then, (non)existence of scarcity message was interacted with positive and/or negative message framing. In summary, scarcity message was effective in positive message framing but not in negative message framing. Because of, negative message framing suppressed the automatic processing of scarcity message, and it evoked evaluation about reliability of message information itself. Moreover, it gave rise to a psychological resistance toward message contents because of excessive emphasizing of loss in case not buying. Therefore, in this study, we suggested that it was effective to use scarcity message in products as a value but the communication strategy of emphasizing loss when consumers didn't buy product was rather dangerous.
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