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ISSN : 1229-8778
As buying environment is getting confused, consumers are having more troubles in concentrating on their buying decision. Previous consumer psychology researches showed a negative view on the quality of buying decision which was made without consciousness. That is, when consumers can not concentrate on their buying decision, they tend to make more irrational decisions than when they can concentrate on it. However, recent decision-making researches are suggesting that the quality of unconscious decision-making might be not worse than that of conscious decision-making. The present research aimed at finding out possible differences between unconscious decision-making mechanism and conscious decision-making mechanism using a brain imaging method. We also tried to figure out how the result of unconscious decision-making is different from that of conscious decision-making via survey method. The brain imaging results showed that participants assigned in a conscious decision-making condition mainly adopted stimulus-based information processing, where they made a final decision based on evaluation and comparison of possible alternatives focusing on each product’s information. In contrast to the conscious decision-making condition, participants in an unconscious decision-making condition mainly adopted memory-based information processing, a simplified version of information processing, where they made their final decision based on calculation result of the evaluated valence of product attributes obtained from their memory of previous experiences with the product. Notwithstanding the differences in a mode of information processing, the results of unconscious decision-making showed very similar quality with the conscious decision-making that is similar mean time to make a decision, an accuracy of choice and satisfaction with products. However, participants in the unconscious decision-making condition showed stronger tendency of postponing their purchase and lower confidence level for their decision. That is although the quality of choice is not different between decision-making with concentration and decision-making without concentration, consumers can't believe their buying decision so they disvalue their choice as impulse buying, irrational buying when they don't concentrate their decision-making.
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