ISSN : 1229-8778
Social responsibility including corporate philanthropy is a matter of vital importance to company profitability in recent years. The purpose of this research is to present the strategic philanthropies of the companies that they have developed their specialized campaigns to improve their images. We set the characteristic of the company to the company scale and manufacture good company image assessment and attribute of the company, and distinguished the area of the philanthropy with the public interest business activity with the contribution consent activity to the resource service activity and found each importance recognition out. The research results was as follows. First, It is recognizing than a negative image company so that it is important about a positive image company. Second, The difference appeared in a philanthropy importance recognition according to the scale of the company. Third, Consumers significantly difference appeared in an importance recognition according to a manufacture good attribute of the company. The difference did not appear with the contribution consent activity on the other hand which the difference appeared in the public interest business activity in the resource service activity. The meaning of this study is to verify the significance and need of corporations' specialized characteristics in strategic philanthropy campaigns.
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