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Comparative Analysis of Information Cues in Magazine Advertisements: Korea vs. U.S.


This research was conducted to investigate the information cues in magazine advertisement in Korea and United States. An analysis of total 2,518 magazine advertisements including 1,046 Korean ad and 1,472 US ad shows that information cues in magazine advertisement was remarkably decreased compare to the previous studies. Over 70% of the magazine advertisements include less than 2 information cues in both countries. Also, recent magazine advertisement has tendency to appeal consumers with rational rather than affective approach. More specifically, 'availability' and 'performance' were the most frequently used information cues in magazine ad in both countries (Korea 93.2% and USA 78.0%). The results of the study also demonstrate that information cue was the most heavily used in computer-related magazines in both countries. Interestingly, the smaller ad size includes the more information cues in Korea, while American ad does not show any correlation between ad size and the number of information cues.

comparative study between Korea and U, S., information cue, content analysis



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