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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Under circumstances of the consentaneous criteria and cases about effective ads, consumers and ad agents have been regarding prizewinner for advertising as the referential advertisement. But prizewinner for advertising has some weaknesses in the aspects of concrete appraisal criteria and rating methods. Nevertheless we need to explore common characteristics of Korean representative prizewinner for advertising. The current study has attempted to compare prize advertisements with correspondent non-prize ads according to concrete analytic scheme(advertising creativity: originality/appropriateness/ clarity/usefulness, personal values: family orientation/individual orientation/ society orientation /material orientation, self-control/activity, presentation style of verbal copy and pictorial elements: concreteness of copy/verbal interpretation of picture, rhetorical style, relations of copy and picture). The results showed that prize advertisements took the position of typical reference to effective ads. Also prize advertisements were creative at the level of originality, appropriateness, clarity and usefulness, contained concrete verbal copy and figurative style of pictorial elements such as metaphor or simile. Comparing these results with the existing results of advertising research on consumer, implications of effective ads and limitations of current study were discussed.
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