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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study attempts to develop a sensory advertising model based on a theoretical premise that sensory appeals (i.e., five human sensual stimuli) activates self-referencing as well as affective responses, which then influences the attitude toward ad featuring products providing various sensory clues. The major objectives of this study are two-fold; First, according to advertising information processing theory, when ad information is congruent with self image, self-referencing occurs while the affective response of the stimulus is positive, when positive, will positively influence attitude for the ad. Based on this theoretical premise, this study seeks to verify the mediatory role of self-referencing and affective responses between sensory involvement and attitude toward ad. Second, based on the theoretical ground that inter-stimuli congruence and information presentation format (image vs. word) interact with sensory involvement, this study investigates the moderating role of these two intermediary variables between sensory involvement and attitude toward ad. The results of this study are as follow; First, the self-referencing was found to mediate the sensory involvement for olfactory sense used for coffee ad to exert influence on attitude toward ad. Second, when sensory involvement is high, it was found to invoke affective responses more easily, which verified mediation hypothesis concerning affective response. Third, the study found that sensory involvement did not have significant effect on attitude toward ad through interactions with ad type (copy vs. visual). Finally, the result of conducting 2 way ANOVA designed to determine the moderating effect of consistency among sensory appeals showed that there was no significant interaction effect between sensory involvement and sensory appeal consistence.
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