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Korean Journal of School Psychology

A Qualitative study about psychosocial sequela of teachers’ violence victimization


The purpose of this study is to research violence against teachers by students and parents which happened a lot recently and find psychosocial sequela of teachers who experienced violence. To do so, 10 teachers of middle and high schools who experienced violence from students and parents at least once within a year were interviewed and the content of the interview was analyzed. The violence experienced was of different forms, such as verbal, relational, and physical, etc. Teachers could not report their experience to their close relatives, but they reported directly or indirectly through their fellow teachers and asked for their help after the accident. The support of teachers’ colleagues was helpful. They experienced many different types of somatization such as anger, regret, shame, etc after the accident. The results of this study revealed that teachers experienced in long term, problems related to student guidance. The core idea of the category “general” emphasized the fact that teachers developed in long term, atrophied attitudes towards student guidance or gave it up and there is a need of counseling opportunity for them. In conclusion, the violence victimization against teachers means that they experience trauma and it has a strong influence on not only teachers’ mental health but also negative effects for student guidance. And finally, there is an urgent need to set an institutional framework to protect and heal teachers. Limitations of this study and the need for a follow-up study were discussed.

교사대상폭력, 합의에 의한 질적분석, 교사를 위한 상담, 동료교사의 지지, 폭력피해, violence against teachers, consensual qualitative research(CQR), counseling for teachers, colleague teacher support, violence victimization



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Korean Journal of School Psychology