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Korean Journal of School Psychology

Relationships of Perceived Maternal Emotional Expressiveness with Basic Psychological Needs and School Happiness for Korean Elementary Schoolers


The purpose of this study was to investigate structural relationships among perceived maternal emotional expressiveness, basic psychological needs, and school happiness. Specifically, we examined the mediating effects of the basic psychological needs between perceived maternal emotional expressiveness and school happiness. Also we identified the sub-groups by a cluster analysis of maternal emotional expressiveness and then explored their differences in basic psychological needs and school happiness. The subjects of the study were 373 students sampled from eight elementary schools located in D city and K province. We hypothesized a structural model in that perceived maternal emotional expressiveness influences elementary school students' autonomy, and autonomy has a positive impact on their competence, or relatedness and in turn, these three basic psychological needs influence their school happiness. The results showed that maternal positive emotional expressiveness had statistically significant positive effects on school happiness in either direct or indirect ways, while maternal negative emotional expressiveness had only significant indirect effects on school happiness in terms of students’ basic psychological needs. On the other hand, the results from a cluster analysis suggested that maternal negative emotional expressiveness can also play a positive role for the child’s psychological needs and happiness. The results revealed that maternal expressiveness can contribute to their child’s basic psychological needs and school happiness. Finally, it was discussed that future work with the person-oriented perspective is needed for comprehensive understanding of parent emotional expressiveness and its effects on other psychological traits.

어머니의 정서표현성, 자율성, 유능성, 관계성, 학교행복감, perceived maternal emotional expressiveness, autonomy, competence, relatedness, school happiness.



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Korean Journal of School Psychology