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Korean Journal of School Psychology


The Influence of Emotional Regulation on Academic Achievement through Academic Emotions and Learning Strategies


The purpose of this study is to explore how the emotional regulation in the academic settings affects academic achievement. To that end, based on advanced research, this study established a theoretical model of emotional regulation which leads to academic achievements by the mediation of emotions and learning strategies, which subsequently verified their relationships using structure equation modeling. As a result, the goodness of fit indices of the theoretical model are excellent, thereby confirming that emotional regulations have effects on academic achievements, by mediation of emotions and learning strategies. It was concluded that emotional regulations had a direct effect on learning strategies, where it increased positive emotions and reduced negative emotions, to induce students to actively practice the learning strategies, ultimately exercising a significant influence over academic achievement. The result of this study, which shows that emotional regulation is related to positive emotions and effective learning strategies, proves that support and a fostering of emotional regulation can be an alternative method for increasing the positive emotions of learners, and promoting learning strategies for them. It was shown that this relationship structure is applicable to all students, male and female, middle school and high school. Based on the findings of the study, implications, limitations, and directions for future research were discussed.

Emotional regulation in academic settings, academic emotions, learning strategies, academic achievement, 학업상황의 정서조절, 학업정서, 학습전략, 학업성취도



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Korean Journal of School Psychology