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메뉴The purpose of the present study was to investigate influence of perfectionism on middle school students worry. Furthermore, this study aimed at examining the role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and perceived emotional competence as mediating factors in the relationship between multiple dimensions of perfectionism and worry. For this purpose, 416 middle school students in Seoul were asked to complete four questionnaires-Perfectionism Scale, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Trait Meta Mood Scale, and Penn State Worry Questionnaire. As a result, maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation showed partial mediating effect on relationship between perfection in evaluation concerns and worry while perfection in personal standards and in social expectation showed complete mediating effect. In addition, perceived emotional competence had partial mediating effect on relationship between perfection in evaluation concerns and worry. This results have implication that underlying mechanisms of worry of middle school students were examined in relation to personality and emotion regulation and furthermore, provided useful information for therapeutic intervention. Limitations of the present study and suggestions for future studies were discussed.
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