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메뉴The aim of present study was to investigate the moderating effects of emotional regulation in the relationships between the negative emotions including envy, jealousy, and anger and relational aggression among female middle school students. The subjects were 546 girls who belong to the only girls classes from 3 middle schools. All data was measured on Objects of Envy, FJQ(Friendship Jealousy Questionnaire), STAXI-K(State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-Korean Version), Relational Aggression scale and Emotional regulation scale. The findings of this study were as follows. First, girl's envy, jealousy, and anger had positive relations with relational aggression in peer relationship. Second, individuals who over-regulated their jealousy were more likely to behave relational aggression in peer relationship at high jealous condition. However, individuals who over-regulated their anger were more decreased relational aggression at high anger condition.
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