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메뉴This study suggested autonomy as psychological factor which moderates the relationship between academic stress and aggressive inclination. A total of 369 male sophomore and junior students in secondary school in Seoul and Chungcheong-Do were examined about academic stress, belief supporting aggression, general life autonomy, behavioral autonomy from parents and emotional autonomy from parents. After examining the relationship between each factors through multiple regression, the increase in aggressive inclination caused by high academic stress was moderated by general life autonomy. In other words, students in high general life autonomy could control their rise of aggressive inclination resulting from high academic stress. However, behavioral autonomy from parents and emotional autonomy from parents had different effects on the relationship. That is, behavioral autonomy from parents reduced the aggressive inclination in low academic stress while there were no reducing effects in high academic stress. In contrast, emotional autonomy did not moderate the relationship between academic stress and aggressive inclination. This study will help the adolescents learn autonomy using appropriate autonomy-increase-method which would improve the adolescents’ general adjustment in school and counseling field by clarifying the concrete configuration of the adolescent’s autonomy in the early autonomy-developing period.
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