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Korean Journal of School Psychology


The Roles of Authoritarian Personality and Popularity in School Bullying


The hierarchy in classrooms and the participant roles in bullying are suggested to be the importantpredictors of school bullying. With the hypothesis that student's authoritarian personality would have animportant bearing in bullying, which occurs from the formation of in-class ranks and the differentiation ofparticipant roles, the current study investigated the effects of authoritarian personality on differentparticipant roles in bullying situations (bully, follower, victim, outsider, and defender) with regard toin-class popularity. 559 first-grade co-ed middle school students in Seoul and Gyeonggi Provinceparticipated. Bullying, following, and ignoring were positively correlated to each other, and both bullyingand following showed positive correlations to being-victimized. Also, bullying, following, ignoring, andbeing-victimized were positively correlated with authoritarian personality while ignoring andbeing-victimized were negatively correlated with popularity. In regression analyses, authoritarian personalitywas found to be an important factor in predicting pro-bullying behaviors such as bullying and following,showing that authoritarian students took the leading roles in bullying. Ignoring and being-victimizedoccurred more with high authoritarian personality and low popularity. However, neither of them weresuitable for explaining defending behavior. Indicating the authoritarian aspect of school bullying, theresults showed the effects of authoritarian personality and popularity in accordance with each of theparticipant roles in school bullying.

School Bullying, Participant Roles, Authoritarian Personality, Popularity, 학교괴롭힘, 참여자 역할, 권위주의 성격, 인기도



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Korean Journal of School Psychology