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메뉴While school counselors listen attentively and empathically to students during counseling sessions, theycould experience vicarious traumas through the clients' presented traumas. The vicarious trauma couldaffect the counselor negatively but yet bring about positive changes such as posttraumatic growth (PTG). Among many variables, resilience has been found to be significantly related with posttraumatic growthexperience. Also, previous studies show that the better self-regulation ability an individual has, the moreresilient he/she is. In addition, mindfulness has been known to be positively related with self-regulationability. Based on the prior research findings, the purpose of this study was to examine the doublemediation effects of mindfulness and self-regulation on the relationship between the counselors' vicarioustrauma experience and their posttraumatic growth. The participants of this study were 133 schoolcounselors (male 14.3%, female 85.7%) and their average counseling experience was two years and threemonths and their average age was 42.5. The results supported the hypothesis and proved a partial doublemediation effect of mindfulness and self-regulation. Implications, limitations and suggestions of the findingswere discussed.
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