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메뉴Character strengths and virtues are considered as important factors which may contribute to child andadolescent happiness. The present study examined the mediating effects of school adjustment on therelationship between character strengths and virtues, and happiness. The subjects were 393 elementaryschool children (199 boys, 194 girls) from grade 4 to 6 were participated in the study. The correlationanalysis revealed that character virtues were positively correlated with happiness and school adjustment. Then the mediating effects of school adjustment on the relationship between character strengths andvirtues, and happiness were examined using structural equation modeling. The result revealed that schooladjustment fully mediated the relationship. In conclusion, the present study showed that child andadolescent character strengths and virtues affect happiness indirectly through school adjustment. Accordingly, it is suggested the importance of school adjustment for child and adolescent happiness. Lastly, the implications and limitations of the present study were discussed.
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