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메뉴The purpose of this study was to identity mediating effect of emotional difficulties on the associationbetween insecure attachment and career indecision and career decision making self-efficacy. For this, a totalof 190 undergraduates were asked to complete the questionnaires that measuring adult attachment, careerdecision scale, career decision making self-efficacy, emotional difficulties(trait anxiety and trait pessimism,state anxiety and state pessimism). The data was analyzed using SPSS 18.0 and SPSS Macro. The mainfindings are as follows. First, there was a full mediation effect of state anxiety and state pessimism onrelationship between attachment anxiety and career indecision. However, there was indirect-only mediationeffect of state pessimism on relationship between attachment avoidance and career indecision. Second,relationship between insecure attachment(attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance) and career decisionmaking self-efficacy was full mediated by trait anxiety and state pessimism. Third, there was an significantdifferences in the career indecision, career decision making self-efficacy, state anxiety, trait anxiety andstate pessimism according to the differential adult attachment style. These findings contribute to theunderstanding of the path between adult attachment and career development and highlight the importantrole of emotional difficulties in the process of career decision making problems.
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