The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of primary school students' life goals on their well-being mediated by their basic psychological needs and to evaluate consistency of their structural relationships among these variables across gender groups. The subjects of this study were 418 5th or 6th graders(232 male and 186 female students) who were selected from three primary schools located in D-City. The proposed model was evaluated for its validity through SEM analyses. As a result, it was observed that primary students' intrinsic and extrinsic life goals had differential effects on their basic psychological needs and well-being. The intrinsic life goals showed only indirect effects on well being through mediation of the basic psychological needs, whereas the extrinsic life goals had only direct effects on it. In addition, the results of the multiple-group SEM analyses showed that intrinsic life goals had positive direct effects on three kinds of basic psychological needs for both gender groups. However, extrinsic life goals had significant direct effects on well-being only for the male group. Finally, importances of establishing and pursuing intrinsic life goals for primary school students are discussed.
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