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메뉴The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effects of peer victimization and rejection sensitivity in the relationship between negative parenting and depression. We collected data from 577 students of 4-6th grade in elementary schools at Gyeongsangnam-do. First, all the correlations among the four variables included in this study was proved meaningful. Second, we set a research model supposing that children can experience peer victimization if their parents have negative parenting style, and the negative parenting and the experience of peer victimization can be precedent factors of rejection sensitivity and depression; structural equation model was applied to the analysis. As the result, the entire effect of negative parenting on depression was .564 (direct effect: .250, indirect effect: .314), and the explanatory power of negative parenting, experience of peer victimization and rejection sensitivity on depression was 54.5%. Third, it was examined that the experience of peer victimization and the rejection sensitivity mediate in the relation between negative parenting and depression: simple mediating effect and dual mediating effect have statistically significant meaning. It is meaningful that this study examined the integrated structural relation among parents factor, peer factor, and individual inner factor, which affect children’s depression, and proved the sequential relation of these factors. Furthermore, to prevent children’s depression, the individual inner factor such as rejection sensitivity should also be considered with home environment and the peer factor such as parenting style and peer victimization. In addition, the limitation of this study was discussed.
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