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메뉴The purpose of this study was to examine reciprocal causation between autonomy and competence and to specify how parental emotional support and parental academic support make influence on autonomy and competence of adolescents as time goes by. The panel data collected by Korea Education Longitudinal Study(KELS) was employed. The data of 5,459 students in the second and the third year of middle school and the second year of high school was used. Autoregressive Cross-Lagged Modeling was performed. The results of study were as follows. Autonomy and competence have reciprocal relationship. In addition, as time flows, parental academic support positively affect adolescents' competence while influence negatively on autonomy. On the other hand, parental emotional support have a positive effect on autonomy whereas the support have no impact on competence statistically. Practical implication regarding parent-child relationship was discussed to enhance students' competence and autonomy related to learning.
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