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메뉴The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of parent attachment and psychological independence on the career preparation behavior. It was established the study modeling which shows the direct effect of attachment and independence, and the indirect effect of the mediate career decision making self-efficacy variables which can mediate attachment, independence and career preparation behavior. The questionnaire has carried out for 429 university students. The research findings were follow: There are significant differences in career preparation behavior to grade. but there are non significant differences in career preparation behavior to sex and affiliation. Parent attachment has significant influenced on the career preparation behavior in the direct way and in the indirect way. Psychological Independence don't has influenced on career preparation behavior. However, Specifically conflict independence of psychological independence subvariables provided significant explanation for career preparation behavior. Career decision making self-efficacy can mediate attachment and career preparation behavior in the partial mediation, and can mediate conflict independence and career preparation behavior in the full mediation. The more they had secure attachment with parent, the more they were career preparation behavior. and The more they had conflict independence, the more they were career preparation behavior.
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