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메뉴The purpose of the current study was to investigate whether ambivalence over emotional expressiveness would mediate the relationship between differentiation of self and abnormal eating behaviors, and if such mediating effect would differ depending on the level of psychological acceptance among female (under) graduate students. The main results are as follows. First, differentiation of self had a direct effect on abnormal eating behaviors, and indirectly influenced abnormal eating behaviors through ambivalence over emotional expressiveness. Such finding indicates that ambivalence over emotional expressiveness partially mediated the relationship between differentiation of self and abnormal eating behaviors. Second, psychological acceptance moderated the effect of ambivalence over emotional expressiveness on abnormal eating behaviors. That is, as psychological acceptance increased, the negative effect of ambivalence over emotional expressiveness on abnormal eating behaviors decreased. Third, the moderated mediating model was supported in that the mediating effect of ambivalence over emotional expressiveness on the relationship between differentiation of self and abnormal eating behaviors, increased as the level of psychological acceptance decreased.
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